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The Storm and the Maiden
Wednesday, 02 April 2014
Within the Storm @ 20:08 - Link - comments
The bottle may as well have been labeled: "Drink me, Elly' for that is exactly what I did - and with no real hesitation other then a brief snort at the smell of the strange green bottles contents. You see, I had found a message from the rogue - who is back after leaving just a note that he had left... forever) regarding the new potions. He explained how he tried to pass me some bottles of the new Mysterious Potion and was unable. And he that I should get some as soon as I wake, that they would be useful - especially in a time of absolute danger. So I did. And I tested one; I had no reason to believe by doing so I may have been gone forever. Only, not...

There was a brief darkness and then I was nothing. I could be anywhere yet I was no where. And it was fun for the first few marcs and then I became unnerved as the potion did not seem to wear off me or anyone else who had drank it. Even those who drank long before I did were still invisible. It was as though we no longer existed in this realm and had crossed to another - completely undetected, no more then a lingering lost spirit passing you by like a whisper in the night. If you are receptive and perceptive you may notice the bits of sand or leaves that rustle gently before they settle back to the ground, motionless. Or you might feel the slight air touch you as they move so close; smell their scent as it drifts past. But otherwise there is no sign at all of the invisible. I was unable to heal myself or bless myself - as I couldn't really find myself. And to me that made things all the worse. How would I be effective in raids and during assaults and attacks on our lands if no one could see me? How could the knights count on me? And how could the beloved guild have an invisible leader?

Yes, I was already trying to think how I would sort that out. Pallas was not an option in my mind at the time during my deluded thinking because quite frankly I am so angry and upset with him still that I feared I might hurt him, for the situation I was in was mostly his fault! Would any of them even remember me or what I even look like, should it turn out I would never be visible again? And with all those thoughts I became very anxious and afraid. I did not like the physical effects and it had me - including an insatiable and unquenchable thirsting. It was then I hurried off a message to the one I trusted might know what to do for me and also to send a warning. And although he couldn't fix it, at least he knew better then to drink some himself and was able to find a way to help me hold onto my sanity that was slowing slipping away. The longer I was stuck in what felt like limbo the more I felt as though I was no longer truly existing. I know the experience was different for everyone who tried the potion but for me, well, if this was someone’s idea of a joke, I was not laughing!

And I had NO idea if Pallas was invisible, I assume he was but must have been unaware of the seemingly permanent effect it was having on people. I kept telling myself I shouldn't be too hard on him. Certainly he never meant for this. He wouldn't hurt me. But as I am sure anyone could understand, it wasn't easy to stay rational. And then we got word from our Gods. This was unfortunately permanent. That the antidote that once existed had been lost and try as they might they just could not recreate the antidote. I may have let out a slightly maniacal laugh as the horror of the situation and the reality of it being permanent hit me - right before I gasped and promptly fainted. Lucius thought I tripped. Just as well he didn't know for sure and couldn't see me. Tripping sounds much less foolish, though I think my reaction was certainly justified.

And when he had the idea that maybe coating me in flour could work as a semi-fix that is when I began to receive notes that some were on the beach working on a cure. With no other options aside being rolled in flour we went to see what was happening. Kenj and Kass were with us. Kenj was also invisible and handling things pretty much the way I was - with anxiety and worry. More so as we realized no progress was being made with the potions, try as Apolla and Cody did, things were just not working out. Then Audrey appeared with a cure! There was hope and excitement - until she tried it herself and instantly joined the world of the invisibles. Le sigh. It was not to be and we were right back at the beginning. Like a bad dream that refuses to end, it just starts over and over again.

We headed back to the halls. What else was there to do? I started to seriously contemplate how I would sort the guild so there was a visible leader and things wouldn't be too affected without me. We went to the lair and I started tossing bottles and boxes and pages around, we were hoping to find some notes that might give us an idea how to mix something to counter this. (Which reminds me I really must clean up the mess I made before Pallas notices) What more could we do? We were out of ideas and I was loosing hope. I sort of gave up then. I could feel my emotions bubbling to the surface and the beating of my heart was so loud surely all within our halls could hear it. And that’s when I started to cry. I am completely embarrassed about that now but under the extreme circumstances I hope anyone reading this can give a girl a break. Lucius tried to comfort me because that is just the kind of amazing friend he is. I don’t know how he stayed so even-keeled and calm through it all, but he did. Bless him. Kass and Kenj were hearing nothing of my thoughts to re-work the guild for them. Invisible or not they said I am not to go anywhere, not to change anything. Bless them, too. I am so lucky to have such caring family.

And while all this was happening something strange fell over the lands. A mist or a light..or memory is hazy right now so I will have to ask Lucius or Kass, but I remember Lucius suddenly exclaiming that he could see me! It did not register to be truth at first but as I looked down at my arms I could indeed see myself. I almost fell to the floor as my body shook in utter relief. It was true, all the invisibles were now seen and the distressing experience was over. Only it wasn't...

Some mystery potions (which were no longer a mystery) still remained in the lands. I myself had one in the bank and I rushed from the halls nearly tripping over my own feet to destroy it. I had the bottle held over my head and ready to smash it to the ground in some sort of silly vengeance when Lucius shouted from the halls to wait. I heard him but it really took all I had not to let the bottle go smashing into bits. He said maybe an Iron Knight would have interest or even that it could still have ill effects where it spills. And I am sure knowing my luck he figured I might walk through the puddle of mystery ooze after I disposed if it and end up invisible all over again. I cant argue that he didn't have a valid point. But I took a deep breath and lowered my arm and replaced the bottle of green mystery into my vault. We will see if it ever comes in handy in the future.

At that point I needed time to myself. I needed to walk so I grabbed a bucket of water on my way through Dundee and headed to the proudly standing Gates of the Many where the Ni shrubbery was so tenderly planted by Sorynn, Syn and myself. I visit her daily, hoping she will not be trampled, watching for her to grow, tending to her, checking her water - and just sitting talking to her. I was kneeling down at the time doing just that when a voice was heard, one that carries a slightly uneasy coolness to it, asking me if I enjoy speaking to objects that can not respond back. I saw no body, Nih was still an invisible, an intentional invisible after the miraculous curing had taken place. I spoke in a steady tone, kept my back to him and shoulders straight. I did not want him to know his voice, and especially that laughter of his makes me uneasy on a good day, let alone when it is floating around on thin air and from more then one direction. I just wanted some peace at that time.

Cenny was there too, but I didn't know it was him until the potion wore off. He was kicking dirt around trying to spook me. But Cenny is a different sort. We laughed when he became visible, talked about the shrubbery a bit. It was then that some sneaky cleric I did not see or hear coming dumped a bucket full or flowers onto my head before dashing away in her infectious laughter. I pulled blooms from my hair and laughed and laughed. Cenny found it amusing, too. Kassa, my friend and sister - I love you dearly. It was exactly what I needed. Thank you for not dumping flour all over me.

Cenny needed blessings and at first the blessing fizzled away. that is so disheartening to me when it happens but my concentration was so shattered from the day. But I was able to concentrate just enough to not disappoint him and send him on his way. He advanced soon after that, and it was time for me to head back to the halls. I had some redecorating plans that needed attention though try as I might, instead I fell quickly to sleep under the tree in the meadows.

And like sands through the hourglass, these are the events of the days in the lives of the people of Valorn. x